Dear Member,
As we prepare to re-open branch lobbies, I want to share several actions we have taken to protect the health and well-being of our staff and members to control the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) following the mandates of the Governor and guidance of the CDC and local public health authorities. Your branch experience will look different as we navigate this dynamic situation. We will continue to make proactive decisions to offer a safe environment for members and staff to conduct financial transactions.
Please continue to utilize the drive-thru or our digital banking services whenever possible.


- Closed Lobbies March 18th, 2020.
- Drive-thrus became primary transaction points.
- Offered limited appointments in our branches where necessary.
- Extended branch hours.
- Actively encouraged members to utilize online and mobile banking services.
- Implemented Department of Health and CDC Guidelines
- Initiated daily deeper cleaning protocols in all branches.
- Reduced staff in branches.
- Developed a rotational schedule for staff. Remote work protocols were implemented for staff able to work remotely.
- Governor announced phased reopening of state beginning May 15th.
- We made the decision to follow state reopening guidelines.
- Drive-Thru's continue to be primary transaction points.
- Continued to encourage use of online and mobile banking functionality.
- Implemented Department of Health and CDC Guidelines
- Continued daily deeper cleaning protocols in all branches.
- Installed safety shields at all member facing stations in preparation for reopening.
- Continued extended branch hours.
- Reduced staff in branches.
- Continued to utilize a rotational schedule for staff. Remote work protocols were implemented for staff able to work remotely.
- Branches re-open JUNE 1ST with new state mandated protocols. (NEW SAFE ENVIRONMENT branch protocols are listed below)
- A reduced number of members will be allowed in branches at any given time. Entry into the Ticonderoga branch will be through the front door only. Please continue to utilize the drive-thru or our digital banking services when possible.
- We will continue to follow Department of Health, CDC and state guidelines.
- Masks and social distancing will be required for all within our branches.
- Safety shields installed at all member stations.
- Continued daily deeper cleaning protocols in all branches.
- Hand sanitizing stations installed throughout all branches.
- For member convenience, we have updated our branch hours to be more uniform: Monday - Friday hours will be 9am to 4pm at all three branches. Saturday hours will be from 9am to 12pm at our Ticonderoga and Port Henry branch. Please note: drive-thru service only in Port Henry on Saturdays.
Safe Environment Branch Protocol
- Clean hands often: Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer, especially after touching frequently used items or surfaces.
- Avoid close contact: Please maintain social distance in our facilities by allowing 6 feet of space between yourself and others.
- Cover coughs and sneezes: Remember to always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow. Throw used tissues in the trash and wash your hands.
- Wear a mask: We ask that you wear a face mask while in our branches. We may ask that you remove your mask momentarily for identification.
- Clean and disinfect: We will continue to follow the proper cleaning protocol of our facilities, ATM’s electronics, and soft surfaces.
- Stay home when ill: Please stay home if you are feeling ill. Should you feel ill, we ask that you remain home and conduct your financial business virtually until you feel well again. You can access your account remotely utilizing our Online and Mobile banking service.
We're in this together,
Shawn M. Hayes
President and Chief Executive Officer
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